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“Balancing the rice carbon budget in China using spatially-distributed data”, Ecological modelling, vol. 79, pp. 167–177, 1995.
, , “The impacts of climate change on rice yield: a comparison of four model performances”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 65, pp. 71–93, 1993.
, , “Climate change in Thailand and its potential impact on rice yield”, Climatic change, vol. 21, pp. 347–366, 1992.
, “Climate change impacts on western Pacific Northwest prairies and savannas”, Northwest Science, vol. 85, pp. 411–429, 2011.
, “The impacts of climate change on rice yield: evaluation of the efficacy of different modeling approaches”, in Systems approaches for agricultural development, Springer Netherlands, 1993, pp. 145–174.
, “VEMAP vs VINCERA: A DGVM sensitivity to differences in climate scenarios”, Global and Planetary Change, vol. 64, pp. 38–48, 2008.
, “Regional differences in the carbon source-sink potential of natural vegetation in the USA”, Environmental Management, vol. 33, pp. S23–S43, 2004.
, “Sensitivity of a biogeography model to soil properties”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 109, pp. 77–98, 1998.
, “Biome redistribution under climate change”, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RMRS-GETR-59, pp. 18–44, 2000.
, “Climate change effects on vegetation distribution and carbon budget in the United States”, Ecosystems, vol. 4, pp. 164–185, 2001.
, “Simulating past and future dynamics of natural ecosystems in the United States”, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 17, 2003.
, “Methane emissions from wetland rice areas of Asia”, Chemosphere, vol. 26, pp. 219–237, 1993.
, “Interactions between fire, grazing and climate change at Wind Cave National Park, SD”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 134, pp. 229–244, 2000.
, “MC1: a dynamic vegetation model for estimating the distribution of vegetation and associated ecosystem fluxes of carbon, nutrients, and water”, Pacific Northwest Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-508, 2001.
, “Simulating the response of natural ecosystems and their fire regimes to climatic variability in Alaska”, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 35, pp. 2244–2257, 2005.
, “The importance of climate change for future wildfire scenarios in the western United States”, Regional Impacts of climate change; Four Case Studies in the United States, pp. 22–41, 2007.
, “A simulation model of intraseasonal carbon and nitrogen dynamics of blue grama swards as influenced by above-and belowground grazing”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 44, pp. 231–252, 1989.
, “Rice paddy inventory in a few provinces of China using AVHRR data”, Geocarto International, vol. 10, pp. 23–38, 1995.
, , “Rice production and climate change: design and development of a GIS database to complement simulation models”, Landscape Ecology, vol. 8, pp. 77–91, 1993.
, “Sources and sinks of methane”, in Atmospheric Methane: Sources, Sinks, and Role in Global Change, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993, pp. 457–468.
, “A simulation model using environmental cues to predict phenologies of winter and summer annuals in the northern Chihuahuan Desert”, Advances in environmental modelling. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 235–260, 1988.