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S. J. DeBano, Clough, G. H., David, N., Hamm, P. B., Jensen, A., Scheiber, A., Wooster, D. E., and Rondon, S. I., Research on the development, biology, and control of potato tubermoth in the Columbia Basin conducted at OSU’s Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Washington State Potato Conference. Washington State Potato Conference, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 13-38, 2006.
G. H. Clough, Rondon, S. I., DeBano, S. J., David, N., and Hamm, P. B., Reducing potato tuberworm damage with cultural practices, Washington State Potato Commission. Washington State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 7-13, 2007.
C. G., Rondon, S. I., DeBano, S. J., David, N., and Hamm, P. B., Cultural practices to control the potato tuberworm, Journal of Ecological Entomology, vol. 103, no. 4, 2010.
G. H. Clough, Rondon, S. I., DeBano, S. J., David, N., and Hamm, P. B., Cultural practices to control the potato tuberworm, Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 103, no. 4, p. 1306, 2010.