
Found 2 results
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Journal Article
P. N. Miklas, Porter, L. D., Kelly, J. D., and Myers, J. R., Characterization of white mold disease avoidance in common bean, European Journal of Plant Pathology, vol. 1352466810716412249881034597469045607139640424399475547325332411284647555513032473413541293912469686827255051224216790499464, no. 3026, pp. 525 - 543, 2013.
M. Ali, Copeland, L. O., Elias, S. G., and Kelly, J. D., Relationship between genetic distance and heterosis for yield and morphological traits in winter canola (Brassica napus L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 91, no. 1, 1995.