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Journal Article
D. C. Ganskopp and Rose, J., Bunchgrass Basal Area Affects Selection of Plants by Cattle, Journal of Range Management, vol. 45, no. 6, p. 538, 1992.
E. P. Hamerlynck and Davies, K. W., Changes in Abundance of Eight Sagebrush-Steppe Bunchgrass Species 13 Yr After Coplanting, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 23-27, 2019.
E. P. Hamerlynck, Smith, B. S., Sheley, R., and Svejcar, T., Compensatory Photosynthesis, Water-Use Efficiency, and Biomass Allocation of Defoliated Exotic and Native Bunchgrass Seedlings, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 206 - 214, 2016.
R. L. Carpinelli, Creating Weed-Resistant Plant Communities Using Niche-Differentiated Nonnative Species, Rangelands, vol. 58, no. 5, 2005.
D. C. Ganskopp and Bohnert, D. W., Do Pasture-Scale Nutritional Patterns Affect Cattle Distribution on Rangelands?, Rangelands, vol. 59, no. 2, 2006.
R. E. Ries and Svejcar, T., The Grass Seedling: When Is It Established?, Journal of Range Management, vol. 44, no. 6, p. 574, 1991.
R. F. Miller and Rose, J. A., Growth and carbon allocation of Agropyron desertorum following autumn defoliation, Oecologia, vol. 8950292843334212317414358187664226239561822473, no. 4, pp. 482 - 486, 1992.
J. D. Trent, Svejcar, T., and Bethlenfalvay, G. J., Growth and nutrition of combinations of native and introduced plants and mycorrhizal fungi in a semiarid range, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 45, no. 1-2, pp. 13 - 23, 1993.
K. W. Davies, Boyd, C. S., Svejcar, L., and Clenet, D. R., Long-Term Effects of Revegetation Efforts in Annual Grass−Invaded Rangeland, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 92, pp. 59 - 67, 2024.
A. M. Nafus, Native Vegetation Composition in Crested Wheatgrass in Northwestern Great Basin, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 9-18, 2020.
F. A. Sneva, Nitrogen-sulfur relations in Nordan crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) and its response to nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer, 1986.
E. P. Hamerlynck, Photosynthetic Regulations in Seed Heads and Flag Leaves of Sagebrush-Steppe Bunchgrasses, Conservation Physiology, vol. 7, pp. 1-12, 2019.
K. W. Davies, Boyd, C. S., Svejcar, L., Martyn, T. E., and Bates, J. D., Post-fire management decisions have consequences: Drill-seeding disturbance and effects of co-seeding introduced with native bunchgrasses, Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 53, p. e03021, 2024.
D. C. Ganskopp, Myers, B., Lambert, S., and Cruz, R., Preferences and Behavior of Cattle Grazing 8 Varieties of Grasses, Journal of Range Management, vol. 50, no. 6, p. 578, 1997.
E. P. Hamerlynck, O'Connor, R., and Copeland, S. M., Reproductive Compensatory Photosynthesis in a Semi-Arid Rangeland Bunchgrass, Oecologia, vol. 201, no. 3, 2023.
R. F. Miller and Rose, J. A., RESPONSE OF CRESTED WHEATGRASS (Agropyron desertorum) GROWTH AND CARBON ALLOCATION TO FALL DEFOLIATION, Management in the Sagebrush. Steppe, p. 45, 1991.
R. Cruz and Ganskopp, D. C., Seasonal Preferences of Steers for Prominent Northern Great Basin Grasses, Journal of Range Management, vol. 51, no. 5, p. 557, 1998.
E. P. Hamerlynck, Seed Head Photosynthetic Light Responses in Clipped and Unclipped Sagebrush Steppe Bunchgrasses, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 172, pp. 1-7, 2020.
K. W. Davies and Boyd, C. S., Seeding Locally Sourced Native Compared to Introduced Bunchgrasses Post-Wildfire in Frigid Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities, Restoration Ecology, vol. 29, no. 5, p. e13397, 2021.
K. J. McAdoo, Boyd, C. S., and Sheley, R., Site, Competition, and Plant Stock Influence Transplant Success of Wyoming Big Sagebrush, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 66, no. 3, 2013.
J. K. McAdoo, Site, Competition, and Plant Stock Influence Transplant Success of Wyoming Big Sagebrush, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 305-312, 2013.
F. A. Sneva, Soil Nitrogen Levels in a Semiarid Climate following Long-Term Nitrogen Fertilization, Journal of Range Management, vol. 30, no. 5, p. 328, 1977.
E. P. Hamerlynck and Boyd, C. S., Using a Grass of the Anthropocene as a Functional Guide to Restore Sagebrush-Steppe, Rangelands, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 117-120, 2021.