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Filters: Keyword is reseeding and Author is Bruce A. Roundy [Clear All Filters]
“Sustainability: Contributions from Formulation Technology”: Improving Reseeding Success after Catastrophic Wildfire with Surfactant Seed Coating Technology, vol. 33. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959: ASTM International, 2014, pp. 44 - 55.
, “Influence of Soil Water Repellency on Seedling Emergence and Plant Survival in a Burned Semi-Arid Woodland”, Arid Land Research and Management, vol. 265154572315723887271123151912312311012017548347426383592731, no. 3, pp. 236 - 249, 2012.