Found 5 results
Author [ Title] Type Year Filters: First Letter Of Title is D and Author is Patricia L. Kennedy [Clear All Filters]
“Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality.”, Ecol Appl, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1932-43, 2015.
, “Does habitat fragmentation influence nest predation on the shortgrass prairie?”, Condor, vol. 103, pp. 530-536, 2001.
, “Do thin and thin+burn treatments have similar effects on forest understory species as prescribed burning treatments?”, For Ecol. & Manage (to be submitted 01/2015).
, “Do some northern goshawk nest areas fledge more young than others?”, Condor, vol. 104, pp. 343-352, 2002.
, “Do land use patterns influence nest-site selection by burrowing owls in northeastern Colorado? ”, Can. J. Zool, vol. 79, pp. 1038-1045, 2001.