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“Expression of estrus modifies the gene expression profile in reproductive tissues on Day 19 of gestation in beef cows”, Theriogenology, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 645 - 655, 2016.
, “Evaluation of beef cow and calf separation systems to improve reproductive performance of first-calf cows”, Livestock Science, vol. 150, no. 1-3, pp. 74 - 79, 2012.
, “Effects of vaccination against respiratory pathogens on feed intake, metabolic, and inflammatory responses in beef heifers”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 9, p. 4443, 2015.
, “Effects of twenty-four hour transport or twenty-four hour feed and water deprivation on physiologic and performance responses of feeder cattle”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 13, pp. 5040 - 5046, 2012.
, “Effects of timing of anabolic implant insertion on growth and immunity of recently weaned beef steers”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. 7, p. 3051, 2016.
, “Effects of temperament on pregnancy rates to fixed-timed AI in Bos indicus beef cows”, Livestock Science, vol. 142, no. 1-3, pp. 108 - 113, 2011.
, “Effects of Temperament on Physiological, Productive, and Reproductive Responses in Beef Cows”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 95, no. 1, p. 1, 2017.
, “Effects of temperament and acclimation to handling on feedlot performance of Bos taurus feeder cattle originated from a rangeland-based cow-calf system”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 13, pp. 5067 - 5077, 2012.
, “Effects of supplementation of calcium salts of polyunsaturated fatty acids on serum concentrations of progesterone and insulin of pregnant dairy cows”, Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 20 - 26, 2014.
, “Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 2296 - 2309, 2008.
, “Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 2296 - 2309, 2008.
, “Effects of supplement type on performance, reproductive, and physiological responses of Brahman-crossbred females”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 85, no. 10, p. 2564, 2007.
, “Effects of rumen-protected polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on reproductive performance of Bos indicus beef cows”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 87, no. 12, pp. 3935 - 3943, 2009.
, “Effects of rumen-protected polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on performance and physiological responses of growing cattle after transportation and feedlot entry”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 88, no. 12, pp. 4120 - 4132, 2010.
, “Effects of protein supplementation frequency on physiological responses associated with reproduction in beef cows”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 386 - 394, 2015.
, “Effects of propiogenic ingredients on serum concentration of insulin and progesterone in non-lactating cows”, Livestock Science, vol. 153, no. 1-3, pp. 165 - 172, 2013.
, “Effects of preshipping management on measures of stress and performance of beef steers during feedlot receiving”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 8, pp. 2016 - 2023, 2008.
, “Effects of Organic or Inorganic Cobalt, Copper, Manganese, and Zinc Supplementation to Late-Gestating Beef Cows on Productive and Physiological Responses of the Offspring”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. 3, p. 1215, 2016.
, “Effects of Omnigen-AF supplementation on body temperature, milk production, and somatic cell count in lactating dairy cows.”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. supplement5, p. 554, 2016.
, “Effects of intravenous glucose infusion and nutritional balance on serum concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, insulin, and progesterone in nonlactating dairy cows”, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 93, no. 7, pp. 3047 - 3055, 2010.
, “Effects of excessive energy intake and supplementation with chromium propionate on insulin resistance parameters in nonlactating dairy cows”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 775 - 782, 2014.
, “Effects of energy supplementation frequency and forage quality on performance, reproductive, and physiological responses of replacement beef heifers”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 7, pp. 2371 - 2380, 2012.
, “Effects of concentrate type and chromium propionate on insulin sensitivity, productive and reproductive parameters of lactating dairy cows consuming excessive energy”, animal, vol. 11, no. 03, pp. 436 - 444, 2017.
, “Effects of camelina meal supplementation on ruminal forage degradability, performance, and physiological responses of beef cattle”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 11, pp. 4042 - 4054, 2012.
, “Effects of calcium salts of soybean oil on factors that influence pregnancy establishment in Bos indicus beef cows”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 2239 - 2250, 2014.