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M. D. Madsen, C. Williams, J., Svejcar, T., and Davies, K. W., Agglomerating seeds to enhance native seedling emergence and growth, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 4985829515891425817810721116359392691998264203863481839408254322130651392451772862487549, no. 2, pp. 431 - 438, 2012.
M. D. Madsen, Zvirzdin, D. L., Petersen, S. L., Hopkins, B. G., and Roundy, B. A., Anchor Chaining’s Influence on Soil Hydrology and Seeding Success in Burned Piñon-Juniper Woodlands, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 231 - 240, 2015.
K. W. Davies, Nafus, A. M., and Madsen, M. D., Medusahead Invasion Along Unimproved Roads, Animal Trails, and Random Transects, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 54 - 59, 2013.
K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., Madsen, M. D., and Nafus, A. M., Restoration of Mountain Big Sagebrush Steppe Following Prescribed Burning to Control Western Juniper, Environmental Management, vol. 531434275847782239473281657616314466229105585553602910656423037, no. 5, pp. 1015 - 1022, 2014.
M. D. Madsen, Davies, K. W., Boyd, C. S., Kerby, J. D., Carter, D. L., Svejcar, T., and , Restoring North America’s sagebrush steppe ecosystem using seed enhancement technologies, in Proceedings of the 22nd international grassland congress, 2013.