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S. G. Elias, Baalbaki, R. Z., and McDonald, M. B., Seed Moisture Determination: principles and procedures. Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA), 2007.
S. G. Elias, Baalbaki, R. Z., and McDonald, M., Seed Moisture Determination: principles and procedures, 2ndnd ed. Washington, D.C.: Association of Official Seed Analysts, 2018.
S. G. Elias, Baalbaki, R. Z., and McDonald, M., Seed Moisture Testing, in Seed Technologists Training Manual, Washington, D.C.: Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, 2018.
S. G. Elias, Seed Quality Testing, in Handbook of Seed Science and Technology, Haworth Press Inc., 2006, pp. 561-601.
S. G. Elias, Garay, A. E., Schweitzer, L., and Hanning, S., Seed Quality Testing of Native Species, Native Plants Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 15 - 19, 2006.
S. G. Elias, Copeland, L. O., McDonald, M. B., and Baalbaki, R. Z., Seed testing: principles and practices. Michigan State University Press, 2012.
R. Z. Baalbaki, Elias, S. G., Copeland, L. O., and Liu, H., Seed Testing Tolerances, in Seed Technologists Training Manual, Washington, D.C.: Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, 2018.
R. Z. Baalbaki, Elias, S. G., Filho, J. M., and McDonald, M. B., Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA)., 2009.