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Filters: First Letter Of Title is E and Author is Buehring, Normie [Clear All Filters]
“Effect of N on yield and chemical profile of winter canola in Mississippi”, Journal of Oleo Science, vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 453 - 458, 2013.
, “Effect of N on yield and chemical profile of winter canola in Mississippi”, J Oleo Sci, vol. 62, pp. 453-458, 2013.
, “Effect of Plant Date, Nitrogen Rate, and Hybrid on Sunflower”, Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol. 14, pp. 2198-2210, 2012.
, “EFFECT OF PLANTING DATE, NITROGEN RATE, AND HYBRID ON SUNFLOWER”, Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol. 35, no. 14, pp. 2198 - 2210, 2012.