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J. A. Hall, Bobe, G., Vorachek, W. R., ,, M. Gorman, E., Mosher, W. D., and Pirelli, G. J., Effects of Feeding Selenium-Enriched Alfalfa Hay on Immunity and Health of Weaned Beef Calves, Biological Trace Element Research, vol. 1566050160154916642220354378651648287303254937710969769087368711495676917461616894551887642144217904909214271176532701216167, no. 1-32108–9151515111323–411056632013–41–225253921444834411212911–32623242125525, pp. 96 - 110, 2013.
S. P. Oeffner, Qu, Y., Just, J., Quezada, N., Ramsing, E., Keller, M., Cherian, G., Meunier-Goddik, L., and Bobe, G., Effect of flaxseed supplementation rate and processing on the production, fatty acid profile, and texture of milk, butter, and cheese, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 1177 - 1188, 2013.
J. A. Hall, Bobe, G., Hunter, J. K., Vorachek, W. R., Stewart, W. C., Vanegas, J. A., Estill, C. T., Mosher, W. D., and Pirelli, G. J., Effect of Feeding Selenium-Fertilized Alfalfa Hay on Performance of Weaned Beef Calves, PLoS ONE, no. 3, p. e58188, 2013.