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P. S. Doescher, Goodwin, J., Eddleman, L. E., Miller, R. F., Jaindl, R., and Nasri, M., PERSISTENCE OF IDAHO FESCUE ON DEGRADED JUNIPER/SAGEBRUSH/STEPPE IN CENTRAL OREGON, History, Ecology, and Management, p. 50, 1999.
B. A. Roundy, Young, K., Cline, N., Hulet, A., Miller, R. F., Tausch, R. J., Chambers, J. C., and Rau, B. M., Piñon–Juniper Reduction Increases Soil Water Availability of the Resource Growth Pool, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 495 - 505, 2014.
R. F. Miller, Svejcar, T., Rose, J. A., and Mc Innis, M., Plant Development, Water Relations, and Carbon Allocation of Heart-Podded Hoary Cress, Agronomy Journal, vol. 86, no. 3, p. 487, 1994.
J. D. Bates, Miller, R. F., and Svejcar, T., Plant succession in cut juniper wooldlands: 1981-1998, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1002, 1999.
L. L. Ziegenhagen and Miller, R. F., Postfire Recovery of Two Shrubs in the Interiors of Large Burns in the Intermountain West, USA, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 195 - 205, 2009.
R. F. Miller, Baisan, C., Rose, J., and Pacioretty, D., Pre-and post-settlement fire regimes in mountain big sagebrush steppe and aspen: the northwestern Great Basin, Final report, 2001.
A. C. Yost, Petersen, S. L., Gregg, M. A., and Miller, R. F., Predictive modeling and mapping sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) nesting habitat using Maximum Entropy and a long-term dataset from Southern Oregon, Ecological Informatics, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 375 - 386, 2008.
E. Schmisseur, Miller, R. F., and , Prescribed fire for eastern Oregon rangelands: management considerations, 1985.