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L. Harper, Campbell, J., Cannon, E. K. S., Jung, S., Poelchau, M., Walls, R., Andorf, C., Arnaud, E., Berardini, T. Z., Birkett, C., Cannon, S., Carson, J., Condon, B., Cooper, L., Dunn, N., Elsik, C. G., Farmer, A., Ficklin, S. P., Grant, D., Grau, E., Herndon, N., Hu, Z. - L., Humann, J., Jaiswal, P., Jonquet, C., Laporte, M. - A., Larmande, P., Lazo, G., McCarthy, F., Menda, N., Mungall, C. J., Munoz-Torres, M. C., Naithani, S., Nelson, R., Nesdill, D., Park, C., Reecy, J., Reiser, L., Sanderson, L. - A., Sen, T. Z., Staton, M., Subramaniam, S., Tello-Ruiz, M. Karey, Unda, V., Unni, D., Wang, L., Ware, D., Wegrzyn, J., Williams, J., Woodhouse, M., Yu, J., and Main, D., AgBioData consortium recommendations for sustainable genomics and genetics databases for agriculture., Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, vol. 2018, 2018.
L. Harper, Campbell, J., Cannon, E. K. S., Jung, S., Poelchau, M., Walls, R., Andorf, C., Arnaud, E., Berardini, T. Z., Birkett, C., Cannon, S., Carson, J., Condon, B., Cooper, L., Dunn, N., Elsik, C. G., Farmer, A., Ficklin, S. P., Grant, D., Grau, E., Herndon, N., Hu, Z. - L., Humann, J., Jaiswal, P., Jonquet, C., Laporte, M. - A., Larmande, P., Lazo, G., McCarthy, F., Menda, N., Mungall, C. J., Munoz-Torres, M. C., Naithani, S., Nelson, R., Nesdill, D., Park, C., Reecy, J., Reiser, L., Sanderson, L. - A., Sen, T. Z., Staton, M., Subramaniam, S., Tello-Ruiz, M. Karey, Unda, V., Unni, D., Wang, L., Ware, D., Wegrzyn, J., Williams, J., Woodhouse, M., Yu, J., and Main, D., AgBioData consortium recommendations for sustainable genomics and genetics databases for agriculture., Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, vol. 2018, 2018.
L. Harper, Campbell, J., Cannon, E. K. S., Jung, S., Poelchau, M., Walls, R., Andorf, C., Arnaud, E., Berardini, T. Z., Birkett, C., Cannon, S., Carson, J., Condon, B., Cooper, L., Dunn, N., Elsik, C. G., Farmer, A., Ficklin, S. P., Grant, D., Grau, E., Herndon, N., Hu, Z. - L., Humann, J., Jaiswal, P., Jonquet, C., Laporte, M. - A., Larmande, P., Lazo, G., McCarthy, F., Menda, N., Mungall, C. J., Munoz-Torres, M. C., Naithani, S., Nelson, R., Nesdill, D., Park, C., Reecy, J., Reiser, L., Sanderson, L. - A., Sen, T. Z., Staton, M., Subramaniam, S., Tello-Ruiz, M. Karey, Unda, V., Unni, D., Wang, L., Ware, D., Wegrzyn, J., Williams, J., Woodhouse, M., Yu, J., and Main, D., AgBioData consortium recommendations for sustainable genomics and genetics databases for agriculture., Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, vol. 2018, 2018.
L. Harper, Campbell, J., Cannon, E. K. S., Jung, S., Poelchau, M., Walls, R., Andorf, C., Arnaud, E., Berardini, T. Z., Birkett, C., Cannon, S., Carson, J., Condon, B., Cooper, L., Dunn, N., Elsik, C. G., Farmer, A., Ficklin, S. P., Grant, D., Grau, E., Herndon, N., Hu, Z. - L., Humann, J., Jaiswal, P., Jonquet, C., Laporte, M. - A., Larmande, P., Lazo, G., McCarthy, F., Menda, N., Mungall, C. J., Munoz-Torres, M. C., Naithani, S., Nelson, R., Nesdill, D., Park, C., Reecy, J., Reiser, L., Sanderson, L. - A., Sen, T. Z., Staton, M., Subramaniam, S., Tello-Ruiz, M. Karey, Unda, V., Unni, D., Wang, L., Ware, D., Wegrzyn, J., Williams, J., Woodhouse, M., Yu, J., and Main, D., AgBioData consortium recommendations for sustainable genomics and genetics databases for agriculture., Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, vol. 2018, 2018.
M. D. Madsen, C. Williams, J., Svejcar, T., and Davies, K. W., Agglomerating seeds to enhance native seedling emergence and growth, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 4985829515891425817810721116359392691998264203863481839408254322130651392451772862487549, no. 2, pp. 431 - 438, 2012.
H. Saito and Wu, J. J., AGGLOMERATION, CONGESTION, AND U.S. REGIONAL DISPARITIES IN EMPLOYMENT GROWTH, Journal of Regional Science, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 53 - 71, 2016.
J. J. Wu, Agglomeration: Economic and Environmental Impacts, Annual Review of Resource Economics, vol. 11, no. 1, 2019.
C. Rosenzweig, Jones, J. W., Hatfield, J. L., Ruane, A. C., Boote, K. J., Thorburn, P., Antle, J. M., Nelson, G. C., Porter, C., Janssen, S., Asseng, S., Basso, B., Ewert, F., Wallach, D., Baigorria, G., and Winter, J. M., The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Protocols and pilot studies, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 170, pp. 166 - 182, 2013.
C. Rosenzweig, Jones, J. W., Hatfield, J. L., Ruane, A. C., Boote, K. J., Thorburn, P., Antle, J. M., Nelson, G. C., Porter, C., Janssen, S., Asseng, S., Basso, B., Ewert, F., Wallach, D., Baigorria, G., and Winter, J. M., The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Protocols and pilot studies, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 170, pp. 166 - 182, 2013.
A. K. Ehrlich, Pennington, J. M., Tilton, S., Wang, X., Marshall, N. B., Rohlman, D., Funatake, C., Punj, S., O'Donnell, E. F., Yu, Z., Kolluri, S., and Kerkvliet, N. I., AhR activation increases IL-2 production by alloreactive CD4 T cells initiating the differentiation of mucosal-homing Tim3 Lag3 Tr1 cells., Eur J Immunol, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 1989-2001, 2017.
B. C. Goodale, La Du, J. K., Bisson, W. H., Janszen, D. B., Waters, K. M., and Tanguay, R. L., AHR2 Mutant Reveals Functional Diversity of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptors in Zebrafish, PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 1, p. e29346, 2012.
B. C. Goodale, La Du, J. K., Bisson, W. H., Janszen, D. B., Waters, K. M., and Tanguay, R. L., AHR2 mutant reveals functional diversity of aryl hydrocarbon receptors in zebrafish., PLoS One, vol. 7, no. 1, p. e29346, 2012.
T. RL, W, L., R, F., P, M., A, A., and N, E. - G., Alcohol use disorder and depression: proposed rewording of Choosing Wisely recommendation., CMAJ, 2017.
J. L. Whitworth, Novy, R. G., Stark, J. C., Pavek, J. J., Corsini, D. L., Love, S. L., Olsen, N., Gupta, S. K., Brandt, T., M. Vales, I., Mosley, A. R., Yilma, S., James, S. R., Hane, D. C., Charlton, B. A., Shock, C. C., N. Knowles, R., Pavek, M. J., Miller, J. S., and Brown, C. R., Alpine Russet: A Potato Cultivar Having Long Tuber Dormancy Making it Suitable for Processing from Long-term Storage, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 256 - 268, 2011.
B. M. Reed, Zee, F., Uchendu, E. E., and Wada, S., ALTERNATIVE STORAGE FOR GERMPLASM OF NATIVE HAWAIIAN 'OHELO BERRIES, Acta Horticulturae, no. 918, pp. 113 - 120, 2011.
C. R. Brown, Vales, I., Yilma, S., James, S., Charlton, B. A., Culp, D., Hane, D., Shock, C. C., Feibert, E., Pavek, M., Knowles, R., Novy, R., Whitworth, J., Stark, J. C., J. Miller, C., Holm, D., Quick, R., and Navarre, R., “AmaRosa,” a Red Skinned, Red Fleshed Fingerling with High Phytonutrient Value, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 89, no. 4, pp. 249 - 254, 2012.
J. J. Wu, Adams, R., and Plantinga, A. J., Amenities in an urban equilibrium model: Residential development in Portland, Oregon, Land Economics, vol. 80, pp. 19–32, 2004.
R. L. Tanguay and Reimers, M. J., Analysis of Ethanol Developmental Toxicity in Zebrafish, vol. 447. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2008, pp. 63 - 74.
S. P. Good, O'Connor, M., Soderberg, K., Wang, L., and Caylor, K., Analysis of the distribution of the isotopic composition of evapotranspiration flux in a semi-arid savanna., in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2013.
D. E. Rupp, Owens, J. M., Warren, K. L., and Selker, J., Analytical methods for estimating saturated hydraulic conductivity in a tile-drained field, Journal of hydrology, vol. 289, pp. 111–127, 2004.
R. E. Wrolstad, Anthocyanins, in Natural Food Colorants, New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2000, pp. 237-252.
R. E. Wrolstad, Giusti, M. M., and Rodriguez-Saona, L. E., Anthocyanins from radishes and red-fleshed potatoes., in ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1999.
A. Larkin, Siddens, L. K., Krueger, S. K., Tilton, S. C., Waters, K. M., Williams, D. E., and Baird, W. M., Application of a fuzzy neural network model in predicting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-mediated perturbations of the Cyp1b1 transcriptional regulatory network in mouse skin, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 267, no. 2, pp. 192 - 199, 2013.
A. Larkin, Siddens, L. K., Krueger, S. K., Tilton, S. C., Waters, K. M., Williams, D. E., and Baird, W. M., Application of a fuzzy neural network model in predicting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-mediated perturbations of the Cyp1b1 transcriptional regulatory network in mouse skin, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 267, no. 2, pp. 192 - 199, 2013.
J. C. Williams, Pierson, F. B., Spaeth, K. E., Brown, J. R., Al-Hamdan, O. Z., Weltz, M. A., Nearing, M. A., Herrick, J. E., Boll, J., Robichaud, P. R., Goodrich, D. C., Heilman, P., D. Guertin, P., Hernandez, M., Wei, H., Polyakov, V. O., Armendariz, G., Nouwakpo, S. K., Hardegree, S. P., Clark, P. E., Strand, E. K., Bates, J. D., Metz, L. J., and Nichols, M. H., Application of Ecological Site Information to Transformative Changes on Great Basin Sagebrush Rangelands, Rangelands, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 379 - 388, 2016.