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“1980 Progress Report -- Beef Cattle and Range Resources: The Need for Cooperative Land Use Planning”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1980.
, “1979 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: The Response of Bunchgrasses to Prescribed burning in Mountain Big Sagebrush Plant Communities”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1979.
, “1979 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Effect of Harvest Date and Drying Procedures on Germination of Kochia Prostata (L.) Schrad.”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1979.
, “1977 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition: Marketing Steers Directly off Grass”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1977.
, “1976 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Weaning Management of Spring Calves on Forested Ranges”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1976.
, “1974 Prog. Rept.--Beef Cattle Research-Eastern Oregon Exp. Sta., Union: The Performance of Induced Cryptorchids and Steers”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1974.
, “1966 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1966.
, “1965 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1965.
, “1964 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1964.
, “1957 Field Day Report”, Squaw Butte-Harney Experiment Station, 1957.
, “1955 Field Day Report: Beef cattle research at the Squaw Butte Station Livestock Field Day”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1955.
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“Small and Mite-y”, Digger, pp. 33-37, 2011.
, “Evaluating insecticides for managing potato psyllids and other potato pests: where we are and some challenges ahead”, Potato Progress, vol. XVII, 2017.
, “Evaluating insecticides for managing potato psyllids and other potato pests: where we are and some challenges ahead”, Potato Progress, vol. XVII, 2017.
, “Black Vine Weevil”, PNW , vol. 644, p. 30, 2013.