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C. Hedstrom, Wiman, N. G., Walton, V. M., Shearer, P. W., Rondon, S. I., and Lee, J. C., Brown Marmorated stink bug Halymorpha halys, OSU Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, EM 9054, 2013.
C. Hedstrom, Wiman, N. G., Walton, V. M., Shearer, P. W., Rondon, S. I., and Lee, J. C., Brown Marmorated stink bug Halymorpha halys, OSU Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, EM 9054, 2013.
M. M. Borman, Krueger, W. Clement, Larson, L. L., and Williams, J., Canopy cover and shade/stream temperature relastionships: II. Relationships of shade and maximum stream temperatures on three northeastern Oregon streams, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2003.
C. G. Johnson, Vavra, M., and Willis, M. J., Cumulative Impacts of Spring Elk Use on Steppe Vegetation, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
R. F. Miller and Waichler, W., Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report 1998: Old Growth Juniper Woodlands, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
M. L. Rahe, Van Dis, K., Weiland, J., and Gwin, L., Economic Impact of Local Food Producers in Central Oregon, 2017.
M. Rahe, Van Dis, K., Weiland, J., and Gwin, L., Economic Impact of Local Food Producers in Central Oregon, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2017.
M. L. Rahe, Van Dis, K., Weiland, J., and Gwin, L., Economic Impact of Local Food Producers in Central Oregon, 2017.
B. Weber, P., L., and B., S., Economic Impacts on Oregon of the Termination of Secure Rural Schools Payments to Counties: 2011 Update, A Report of the “Changing Federal County Payments Policy and Rural Oregon Counties: Impacts and Options” Project, 2011.
B. Weber, Marre, A., Fisher, M. J., Gibbs, R., and Cromartie, J., Education’s Effect on Poverty: the Role of Migration and Labor Markets , Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2007.
M. J. Willis, EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Livestock Systems Complementary or Compatible with Wildlife, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
R. J. Raleigh and Wallace, J. D., Growth and development of replacement heifers wintered with rhythmic changes in feeding, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1966.
R. J. Baker, Dill, T. O., Mattson, D. E., Turner, H. A., Weber, D. W., and Whanger, P. D., Humoral Immune System Response to Copper and Selenium Supplementation in Weaned Beef Steers, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
R. J. Baker, Dill, T. O., Mattson, D. E., Turner, H. A., Weber, D. W., and Whanger, P. D., Humoral Immune System Response to Copper and Selenium Supplementation in Weaned Beef Steers, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
T. Delcurto, Walburger, K. J., Vavra, M., Bryant, L., and Kie, J. G., Influence of a grazing system and aspect, north vs. south, on the nutritional quality of forages, and performance and distribution of cattle grazing forested rangelands, 2000.
J. R. Haag, Hubbert, F., Sawyer, W. A., and Weswig, P. H., Influence of age of meadow hay in beef cow's winter rations following summer grazing on sagebrush-bunchgrass range, Squaw Butte-Harney Range and Livestock Experiment Station, 1953.
T. Kuhar, Morrison, R., Leskey, T., Aigner, J., Dively, G., Zobel, E., Brust, J., Whalen, J., Cissel, B., Walgenbach, J., Rice, K., Fleischer, S. J., and Rondon, S. I., Integrated pest management for brown marmorated stink bug in vegetables: a synopsis of what researchers have learned so far and management recommendations using an integrated approach, Marmorated Stink Bug SCRI CAP Vegetable Commodity Team in conjunction with the Northeastern IPM Center, 2015.
T. Kuhar, Morrison, R., Leskey, T., Aigner, J., Dively, G., Zobel, E., Brust, J., Whalen, J., Cissel, B., Walgenbach, J., Rice, K., Fleischer, S. J., and Rondon, S. I., Integrated pest management for brown marmorated stink bug in vegetables: a synopsis of what researchers have learned so far and management recommendations using an integrated approach, Marmorated Stink Bug SCRI CAP Vegetable Commodity Team in conjunction with the Northeastern IPM Center, 2015.
X. - G. Wang, Jones, J., Nance, A., Hutchins, J., Miller, B., Walton, V. M., Hoelmer, K. A., Buffington, M., and Daane, K. M., Investigating biological controls to suppress spotted wing drosophila populations, California Cherry Board, Stockton, CA, 2016.
X. - G. Wang, Jones, J., Nance, A., Hutchins, J., Miller, B., Walton, V. M., Hoelmer, K. A., Buffington, M., and Daane, K. M., Investigating biological controls to suppress spotted wing drosophila populations, California Cherry Board, Stockton, CA, 2016.
T. Kuhar, Morrison, T., Leskey, T., Aigner, J., Dively, G., Zobel, E., Brust, J., Whalen, J., Cissel, B., Walgenbach, J., Rice, K., Fleischer, S. J., and Rondon, S. I., Manejo Integrado de chinche apestozo marmoleado, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug SCRI CAP Vegetable Commodity Team in conjunction with the Northeastern IPM Center. , 2015.
T. Kuhar, Morrison, T., Leskey, T., Aigner, J., Dively, G., Zobel, E., Brust, J., Whalen, J., Cissel, B., Walgenbach, J., Rice, K., Fleischer, S. J., and Rondon, S. I., Manejo Integrado de chinche apestozo marmoleado, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug SCRI CAP Vegetable Commodity Team in conjunction with the Northeastern IPM Center. , 2015.
R. L. Lawrence, Sheley, R., and Wood, S. D., Mapping Leafy Spurge and Spotted Knapweed Using Remote Sensing, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, SR 1057, 2006.
H. H. Meyer and West, K. S., OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Effects of Ewe Mating Condition and Post-Mating Nutrition on Embryo Survival, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
R. J. Baker, Dill, T. O., Mattson, D. E., Turner, H. A., and Weber, D. W., OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Effects of Zinc, Copper and Selenium Supplementation on the Humoral Immune System of Weaned Steers, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.