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“Managing Harvest Time to Control Pod Shattering in Oilseed Camelina”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 108, no. 2, p. 656, 2016.
, “Method for Attaining Caraway Seed Oil Fractions with Different Composition”, Chemistry & Biodiversity, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 695 - 699, 2016.
, “Nitrogen Application in Sainfoin under Rain-Fed Conditions in Wyoming: Productivity and Cost Implications”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 108, no. 1, p. 294, 2016.
, “Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Juniper galbuli essential oil constituents eluted at different times”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 109, pp. 529-537, 2017.
, “Effect of plant essential oils against Rhophalosiphum padi on wheat and barley”, Natural Product Communications, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1517-1520, 2017.
, “Essential oil content, composition and bio activity of juniper species in Wyoming, United States”, Natural Product Communications, vol. 12, pp. 201-204, 2017.
, “Grass-Legume Seed Mass Ratios and Nitrogen Rates Affect Forage Accumulation, Nutritive Value, and Profitability”, Crop Science, 2017.
, “Grass-Legume Seed Mass Ratios and Nitrogen Rates Affect Forage Accumulation, Nutritive Value, and Profitability”, Crop Science, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 2852-2864, 2017.
, “Yield, Composition and Antioxidant Capacity of the Essential Oil of Sweet Basil and Holy Basil as Influenced by Distillation Methods”, Chemistry & Biodiversity, vol. 14, no. 4, p. e1600417, 2017.
, “Biologically active components in seeds of three Nicotiana species”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 117, pp. 375-381, 2018.
, “Camelina sativa as a fallow replacement crop in wheat-based crop production systems in the US Great Plains”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 111, pp. 22–29, 2018.
, “On the embryology of two species of genus Lepidium (Brassicaceae)”, HortScience, vol. 53, no. 4, 2018.
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