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“Production of slaughter steers grazing crested wheatgrass and irrigated pasture in eastern Oregon”, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1977.
, “Range vs feedlot finishing. I. Performance and carcass quality of fall-born steers finished on forage with limited grain.”, in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. American Society for Animal Science Western Section, 1980.
, “Range vs feedlot finishing. II. Performance and carcass quality comparison of feedlot and limited grain finishing of fall-born steers”, in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. American Society for Animal Science Western Section (USA), 1980.
, “Beef Cattle Day”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1960.
, “Summary of Reports - Fifth Annual Beef Cattle Day”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1963.
, “Third Annual Beef Cattle Day - A summary of reports Protein requirements for supplements for wintering range beef calves with meadow hay included”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1961.