The OWRI Technical Newsletter
The OWRI viticulture and enology technical newsletter is a biannual newsletter that goes out every six months. This newsletter is designed to inform the wine and grape industry of our research and meeting the informational/educational needs of the wine and grape industry.
Determining Pinot noir wine lipid composition, impacts on mouthfeel,
and use of lipids to predict wine origin
Pest Alert: Spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect that may be of key
economic importance in Oregon
Research Publications
Archived Issues
Spring 2020 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Effect of grapevine red blotch disease (GRBD) on vine physiology and potential vineyard management strategies for symptom mitigation, Influence of the seed on the hormone and gene expression patterns of the pericarp during the ripening phase, Measuring leaf or stem water potential in VSP canopies: Timing is everything, Efficacy of an intelligent sprayer on grape powdery mildew, 2018 and 2019, Research Publications
Contributors: Cody Copp, Laurent Deluc, Achala KC, Alec Levin, Lloyd Nackley, Jay Pscheidt, Robin Rosetta, R. Paul Schreiner, Tian Tian, Brent Warneke
Spring 2019 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Cluster thinning research: What are the limits?, Effective microbial monitoring is key to preventing microbial spoilage, Fits Like a Glove: Improving Sampling Techniques to Monitor QoI Fungicide Resistant Grape Powdery Mildew, Research Publications
Contributors: Sarah Lowder, Walt Mahaffee, James Osborne, Patty Skinkis
Fall 2019 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Grapevine red blotch disease - New detection method and management suggestions, Assessing a novel tool for the management of Spotted-wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzuki) in Pinot noir grapes
Contributors: Bob Martin, Rachel Blood, Ryan Chave, Zoe Hopkins, Marco Valerio Rossi-Stacconi, Gabriella Tait, Vaughn Walton
Summer 2018 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Pinot noir Nutrient Needs and Tissue Test Guidelines for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, Unravelling the Mysteries of Cold Soaking: The Role of Grape Microflora, How Do Deficit Irrigation and Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Influence Disease Severity, Water Stress, Yield, and Fruit Composition?, Research Publications
Contributors: Achala KC, Alec Levin, James Osborne, Michael Qian, R. Paul Schreiner, Elizabeth Tomasino
Fall 2018 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Influences of β-ionone and β-damascenone on Pinot noir aroma, Identification of Oregon Pinot noir clones confirmed through molecular methods, Spotted-wing drosophila contributes to the development of sour rot in wine grape, Return on investment in wine grape insurance in the U.S. west coast, Research Publications
Contributors: Laurent Deluc, Mandie Driskill, Satyanarayana Gouthu, Beau Olen, James Osborne, Patty Skinkis, Elizabeth Tomasino, Vaughn Walton
Fall 2017 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Simultaneous Malolactic Fermentations: The Right Option for You?, To till or not to till?, Grape Powdery Mildew Fungicide Application Timing: The Interaction Between Inflorescence Stage and Fungicide Resistance, Research Publications
Contributors: James Osborne, Patty Skinkis, Brent Warneke
Spring 2016 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Will Climate Change Powdery Mildew, Grapevine Red Blotch Disease, Wine Aroma and the Importance of Nitrogen Concentration and Composition, Recycling Tunnel Sprayers: Coverage, Drift and Grower Feedback, Resources and Research Publications
Contributors: Bob Martin, Jay Pscheidt, James Osborne, Marie Vicksta
Fall 2016 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Statewide Crop Load Project Report: Investigating the Yield-Quality Relationship of Pinot noir, Impact of Elemental Sulfur and Nitrogen on the Formation of Volatile Sulfur Compounds in Wine, Exploring Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) Contamination of Wine, Resources and Research Publications
Contributors: James Osborne, Michael Qian, Patty Skinkis, Elizabeth Tomasino
Summer 2015 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: What are the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Requirements for Pinot noir?, Influence of Berry Seed Content on Uneven Cluster Ripening, Building Models for Decision Support, OWRI Winemaker Panel Update, Resources and Research Publications
Contributors: Laurent Deluc, James Osborne, Paul Schreiner, Elizabeth Tomasino, Walt Mahaffee
Fall 2014 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Influence of Wine Bacteria on Brettanomyces Spoilage, The Challenge of Estimating Yields, Estimating the Water Use of Grapevines, Time to Look for Crown Gall, Using Inoculum Detection in Managing Grape Powdery Mildew
Contributors: Walt Mahaffee, James Osborne, Vinay Pagay, Jay Pscheidt, Patty Skinkis
Spring 2013 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Barnyard with a Hint of Band Aid®, How Mulch Do You Want to Know about Cover Crops?, Scouting for Powdery Mildew, Grapevine Red Blotch Associated Virus Detected in Oregon Vineyards, If You’ve got Questions, AgTools may have the Answers!, Industry Partnerships in Sensory Evaluation, Statewide Crop Load Project Begins to Define Yield-Quality Relationship, OWRI Director’s Corner, Publications, Upcoming Events & Save the Date!
Contributors: Bill Boggess, Morgan Curtis, Bob Martin, James Osborne, Jay Pscheidt, Clark Seavert, Paul Schreiner, Patty Skinkis, Elizabeth Tomasino
Fall 2013 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Development of sulfur off-odors post-fermentation, Determining impact of hand or machine leaf removal on fruit quality, History and management of ring nematode in western Oregon vineyards, Ripening synchronization research conducted to understand berry uniformity at harvest, Merlot variability at harvest affects wine composition, Application of Multidimensional Gas Chromatography technology for wine research, OWRI Winemaker Sensory Panel update, David Adelsheim inducted into the College of Agricultural Sciences 2013 Hall of Fame, OWRI Director’s Corner, Resources and Research Publications, News and Events.
Contributors: Bill Boggess, Laurent Deluc, Satyanaryana Gouthu, James Osborne, Paul Schreiner, Patty Skinkis, Elizabeth Tomasino, Amanda Vondras, Inga Zasada
November 2012 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Malolactic fermentation, vine balance, 2012 winegrape pest update, Lots o’ Bots: Grapevine trunk disease and the Botryosphaeriaceae, OSU welcomes new enologist to the OWRI Team, OWRI Director’s Corner, OSU Viticulture Internship Program, Practical Guides, Resources, Websites & Other Publications, Upcoming Events.
Contributors: Bill Boggess, James Osborne, Melodie Putnam, Alison Reeve, Patty Skinkis, Elizabeth Tomasino, and Vaughn Walton
October 2011 OWRI Viticulture and Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Asynchronous Ripening: A New Angle to Study Grape Berry Ripening, Big Clusters, Big Berries, and Big Hopes, Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD): Don’t Push the Panic Button! Grape Growers: Be on Watch for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, A New Viticulture Team Member to Help the Oregon Wine Industry, Harvest Prep – Grapes, Nutrition, and Yeast, Alumni Spotlight: Allison Wells, New OSU Extension Publications, Upcoming Events.
Contributors: Laurent Deluc, Amy Dreves, Vaughn Walton, Gabriel Balint, James Osborne, and Patty Skinkis
September 2011 OSU Vineyard Notes
In this issue: Vineyard Bird Control Tactics; Powdery Mildew Rescue: Send your grapes to a spa!; Preventing Late Season Botrytis Bunch Rot; Vine Nutrient Assessment at Veraison
Contributors: Patty Skinkis and Jay Pscheidt
July 2011 OSU Viticulture & Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Early Season Leaf Pulling Can Impact Disease and Quality; Know Your Target: Sampling for Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Vineyards; Protein Fining of White Wine; New Viticulture & Enology Resources; and Upcoming Events
Contributors: Patty Skinkis, Inga Zasada, and James Osborne
March 2011 OSU Viticulture & Enology Technical Newsletter
In this issue: Summary of the 2010 Southern Oregon Mealybug Monitoring Program; Annual Canker Soapbox; Act now: Monitor now for mite-associated Short Shoot Syndrome (SSS); To till or not to till? Impacts of grape YAN; Managing the Malolactic Fermentation; New Viticulture & Enology Resources; and Upcoming Events
Contributors: Patty Skinkis, Marcus Buchanan, Rick Hilton, Steve Renquist, Jay Pscheidt, Vaughn Walton, Jungmin Lee, Kerri Steenwerth, and James Osborne
December 2010 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Research Update: Field Botrytis Trial; Determining vine leafroll distribution and the role of virus vectors; Poor fruit set remains a challenge in the vineyard; New publications of interest; and Upcoming events.
Contributors: Patty Skinkis; Walt Mahaffee; and Vaughn Walton
December 2010 Enology Bulletin
In this issue: Sulfur Off-Odors by James Osborne
September 2010 Vineyard Notes
In this issue: Fungicide resistance management; Spotted Wing Drosophila update; and Updates to the Oregon Grape Quarantine.
Contributors: Patty Skinkis; Jay Pscheidt; Vaughn Walton; and Amy Dreves
August 2010 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Crop thinning and yield should be a moving target; Monitoring grapevine nutrition status in the vineyard; Characterizing the hormonal crosstalk during berry development will contribute to a better understanding of the grape variability; Grape maturity and harvest decisions; Insect pest update: Research on mealybugs and European grapevine moth in Oregon vineyards; OSU V&E Alumni Spotlight: Travis Cook; and Upcoming Events. Contributors: Patty Skinkis; Laurent Deluc; James Osborne; and Vaughn Walton
May 2010 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Vineyard Pest Scouting Workshop helps hone skills, raise awareness; Spring-time Short Shoots and Grape Ruts Mites, a Continuing Saga; Powdery Mildew Spore Trapping Project Update; Spotted Wing Drosophila Control Strategies-Update; 2010 Vineyard Floor Management Survey; New viticulture diagnostic and learning modules online; Brettanomyces; New Viticulture & Enology Scientific Research Articles; OSU Alumni Spotlight: Brett Weis; and upcoming events. Contributors: Patty Skinkis; Walt Mahaffee, Paul Jepson, and James Osborne
March 2010 Vineyard Notes
In this issue: Avoiding canker problems in the vineyard - Pesticide update!, Preliminary information on biology and management of rust mites in Oregon vineyards, reminders on pesticide handling and personal protective equipment, New Extension publications released. Contributors: Amy Dreves, Jay Pscheidt, Patty Skinkis, Vaughn Walton.
February 2010 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Avoiding canker problems in the vineyard; OSU Plant Clinic announces new grape virus testing; Using cover crops as a tool in vineyard management; What do we know about the Spotted wing Drosophila in Oregon?; Oregon State University to feature viticulture and enology research event; Assessing vineyard herbicide damage and risk; and Upcoming Events. Contributors: Patty Skinkis; Jay Pscheidt and Amy Dreves
December 2009 Vineyard Notes
Cold Weather Strikes Again. In this issue: summary of cold weather data from December 6-13, 2009; description of bud damage estimates; what to look for in winter-damaged vineyards; upcoming OSU Viticulture and Enology events; newly released Extension publications for vineyards.
October 2009 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Looking over the most important workers in the winery -- yeast!; Late season berry shriveling causes curiosity among industry; Vineyard Pest Management News; Recent graduates from the OSU Enology Laboratory; New OSU Extension Publications; Upcoming Events. Contributors: James Osborne, Patty Skinkis and Vaughn Walton.
July 2009 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Emergency Quarantine Becomes Effective for Vine Mealybug in Grape; Got Mildew?; Being Burned by Cold in the Vineyard; Winery Sanitation; Basic Grape Research Program at OSU; Vine nutrition and extraction parameters can influence winegrape YAN; and Upcoming OSU Extension Events.
Contributors: Patty Skinkis; Jay Pscheidt; James Osborne; Laurent Deluc; and Jungmin Lee.
June 2009 Vineyard Notes
In this issue: Spring Growth Observations - A Mixed Review. This issue discusses observations of stunted spring growth and potential causes, herbicide damage, scouting for Phomopsis and upcoming events.
May 2009 Vineyard Notes
In this issue: Powdery Mildew Update A brief update on the status of powdery mildew forecasting and incidence is discussed for spring 2009. Contributors: Patty Skinkis, Jay Pscheidt and Walt Mahaffee.
April 2009 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Be aware and proactive with grapevine leafroll virus, Those "other diseases", Quality control programs in the winery, OSU's Viticulture and Enology education program, Updates in faculty positions at OSU, upcoming events and new publications. Editors: Patty Skinkis and James Osborne.
Winter 2009 OSU Vineyard Pest Management News
In this issue: Objectives of Pest Management Research in 2009, Sampling Shoots to Determine Short Shoot Syndrome Management, Research summaries: vineyard predators, fungicide use and dose rates, beneficial insects, and more!
January 2009 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Impacts of Research & Extension for Oregon's Winegrape Industry, Vineyard Observations are Critical in Winter, Farewell to Dr. Jim Kennedy, New OSU Viticulture Extension Publications, and Upcoming Events.
Editors: Patty Skinkis, James Osborne.
October 2008 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
August 2008 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: New Source of Enology Information, Notes from the Vineyard, OSU's Viticulture and Enology Degree Program update, Grape must nitrogen content and fermentation, Survey of the Incidence of Rust Mites and "Short Shoot Syndrome" in Oregon, Upcoming Educational Opportunities and Events.
Contributors: Patty Skinkis, James Osborne.
Summer 2008 OSU Vineyard Pest Management News
April 2008 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Hot Topics in Enology: Biogenic Amines, Grape Plant Materials, Facing the Challenge of Powdery Mildew, Observations in the Vineyard: Keeping an Eye on Short Shoot Syndrome, New OSU Extension Publications, Upcoming Educational Opportunities and Events.
Contributors: Patty Skinkis, James Osborne, Vaughn Walton.
Spring 2008 OSU Vineyard Pest Management News
Winter 2008 OSU Vineyard Pest Management News
January 2008 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: What's New in Vineyard Pruning?, Grape Plant Materials, Recent Publications, Conducting a Successful Malolactic Fermentation, Upcoming Educational Opportunities and Events
Contributors: Patty Skinkis, James Osborne
December 2007 Viticulture Notes
October 2007 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Sulfides and Mercaptans in Wine, Vineyard Management Resources, Southern Oregon Welcomes the New Regional Viticulture Instructor, Putting the Vineyard to Rest, Upcoming Events
Contributors: Patty Skinkis, James Osborne
October 2007 Vineyard Arthropods
September 2007 Viticulture Notes
July 2007 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Vineyard Pest Report, Regional Viticulture: Umpqua, Monitoring Grapevine Nutrition, Getting the Feel for Wine Texture, Graduate Spotlight, Upcoming Events
Contributors: Patty Skinkis, James Osborne, Vaughn Walton, Steve Renquist, Paul Schreiner
April 2007 OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter
In this issue: Canopy Management, Short Shoot Syndrome, Vineyard Disease, Acetic Acid Bacteria
Contributors: Patty Skinkis, James Osborne, Jay W. Pscheidt, Vaughn Walton